MassME 2021 Annual Meeting featuring ME/CFS CRC PIs

This Saturday, October 23rd, the Massachusetts ME/CFS and FM Association (MassME) will be holding their 2021 annual meeting from 12:30 – 4:00 pm ET. In addition to their annual report on MassME activities, there will be an update from the NIH ME/CFS Collaborative Research Centers (CRCs). Research updates will be given by the study lead of each of the CRCs, including Dr. Derya Unutmaz of JAX, Dr. W. Ian Lipkin of Columbia University, and Dr. Maureen Hanson of Cornell University. There will also be presentations by Dr. Avindra Nath of NIH and Dr. Lucinda Bateman of Bateman Horne Center. Following the updates, there will be a panel discussion where meeting participants can ask questions of the researchers.

Each of the CRC PIs will be discussing the principal goals of their research, what they have learned about ME/CFS that they didn’t know when they started their research, in what ways they are closer to understanding the underlying pathophysiology of ME/CFS and identifying biomarkers, and what remains to be done.

To register for the meeting, click here.
To read more about each speaker, click here.

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